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Mista Latex

God, Lust, Sin: a compilation, a collection, a playlist, an anthology, a mixtape, an album? Fresh off the release of his second Studio Album and a successful tour, Mista Latex relocated to Atlanta, Georgia and is set to release a collaborative effort with 15 songs! After only recording three songs for the God, Lust, Sin album, a participant and artist Kwony Cash was incarcerated for an incident that took place several years prior to the recording of the CD. However, things surely changed since then, as the album has fast become collaborative album bordering on it being a compilation CD or a playlist and a mixtape. Latex, whose real name is Dexter Nelams was stationed in Afghanistan before becoming a private contractor over there now and he will continue to be there on the street day of November 7. “Believe it or not,” Don Lichterman says about the finished project, “before I set the song lists and finalized all of the songs we wanted on the project, we did a focus group in Afghanistan with a bunch of soldiers that are hiphop fans.” Now Mista Latex’s latest seems to have manifested into almost a new category as far as formats and genres go in the music industry. The new album, God, Lust, Sin, is a collaborative production that include participants such as Bre-Z, the popular actor from the hit television show, Empire. Along with Bre-Z who has a track and a main single on the new album, other participants on the 15 song full length CD are BadNewz, T-Woodz, Chivas Kimber, Meo, Wayne-C, Tnaj, Kim V, Teja Moore, YK, and Money. (Don) Lichterman says when describing the songs on the CD that he is “not sure any more of the differences between say what are playlists and a compilation album versus say a mixtape or even remix type of an album where many artist participants, but the fact is this is gritty album. It is also mixed with colorful melodies along with some down and dirty productions, which I love. “He goes on to say that “I do know that we have to entertain doing up to what are five (5) music videos because we cannot choose singles the traditional ways.” It took three years to complete the CD. Those initial recordings were done in Atlanta before Mista Latex finished the album overseas in Europe using producers Brad Grober, Chivas Kimber,


1 - One Night
2 - If I Die tonight
3 - Take me Round