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The melancholy of their roots in repetitive sounds and songs. The blues genre, initially ostracized, is diffused in all strata of society, influencing music as a whole. Nothing sets a relaxed, carefree mood better than the sweet and soulful melodies of Blues Music. Whether it's a dinner party, wine and cheese night at home or just some solitary time, inviting the mood of the Blues can bring mournful sighs and hearty laughs all of which purifies one's soul. This infinitely beautiful art form has its roots in jazz and spiritual music, evolving over hundred years to bring us those timeless classics we still adore today. From Delta blues to modern bedroom psyche rock, take some time set aside to discover this amazing part of musical history. Take a peak with eyes wide open into the candidness of B.B King emoting heartfelt pain. Go through thousands of infectious curves and end up immersed in waves as Eric Clapton reflects back the testimony about love. Close your eyes for a better picture as Sam Cooke charms us even after multiple decades later. So whatever needs soothing inside or lively attitudes outside, let Blue Music show you what your heartaches truly opened you up for. Blues is a music genre created by Africa-Americans in the South of the United States in the 19th century. It was made by work songs, spirituals, played with a guitar in the typical blues scale.

The Timelessness of the Blues Genre
Blues music is the balm that has soothed the souls of millions of people world over. It is known for its soul-stirring and melancholic tunes that continue to influence newer music genres. Though it was initially frowned upon, the blues genre has slowly permeated all segments of society and has found its way into the heart of music lovers everywhere. Whether it's a party or a solitary moment, the blues can make for an emotionally charged musical experience that has the power to bring mournful sighs and hearty laughs, all of which purify one's soul.
The blues began as a form of jazz and spiritual music at the beginning of the 20th century. It is believed to have originated from African-American communities in the South of the US. It is a genre that sprouted out of the generational pain and oppression of slavery and the civil war. Today, we still can't help but adore those timeless classic blues tunes we've always loved. Some eminent blues legends that will forever be remembered are B.B King and Eric Clapton.
B.B King is a household name that will forever be etched in the minds of music lovers worldwide. His emotive performances from the late 40s to the early 2000s will continue to move people for generations to come. His performances were laden with heartfelt pain and ache that resonated with the audience. Though he had a tumultuous life, it was his music that kept him going. B.B King is known for popularizing the electric guitar in the '50s and made it an integral part of the blues genre.
Eric Clapton, on the other hand, while not an exclusive blues artist, has left an indelible mark in the music scene and is a force to be reckoned with in the blues genre. His famous song Tears in Heaven still gives goosebumps in today's ethereal, soulful music world. Known for his melodious solos, it is hard for anyone to listen to his music and not feel a strong emotional connection. Clapton started his career in the '60s and is still actively performing today.
The blues genre has evolved over the years, and modern-day artists have continued to bend and fuse the genre with modern sounds. Today, the blues can be found in every corner of the world, and its influence can be felt in almost every form of popular music. The genre has not only brought forth countless classics but has also inspired new generations to become musicians and continue to fuse modern music with influences from the past.
The Blues genre is timelessly enchanting, providing the listener with both a relaxing and emotional musical experience that people crave. From its roots in jazz and spiritual music derived from having to bear the trauma and pain of generational slavery and the civil war, the blues has grown to influence various forms and genres of music. It has given birth to countless musical legends and classics that are still popular today, and new artists are continuing to produce music with influences from the past. The Blues genre has come a long way since its inception, and it's no wonder why it's still a favourite with so many music fans around the world.

Sitting in a small bar in Philadelphia, the blues music

Perhaps, chilling, frustrated-free ambiance will be your first impression on hearing the music of blues. For me, hearing blues music make me back to the 20th century. I can imagine I am sitting in the small bar located in Philadelphia, Mississippi and while chilling with a cold beer, I listen to blues music played by the local musicians. That will be a great night! However, the lyrics of the blues music usually concerning love, sadness, and love betrayal and also creates a melancholy nuance. Combined this lyrics with a slow, fascinating music lifted up your post-work burdens during the day, and with the little kick of the alcohol will create the melancholic, stressed-free ambiance. Then, where is this excellent music come from?

Back in the 20th century, this genre is invented by the African-Americans, and it comes from the Southeast USA, to be specific after the American Civil War ended. This genre is initially played by the African American man originated from the Southern United States. It can be seen that the Blues itself have the elements of other music, such as ragtime, church music, and American folksongs. Besides, the blues have a solid relationship with Jazz music, as both of them come from the same ancestor, the African music in the past. The unique aspects of blues music itself are the blue notes, which means the note that the pitch is altered from the western music standard. Usually, in blues, the semitones or quartertones are employed by the musicians, and hence, creating a unique sound. Also, the significant part of blues music is that it uses a specific scale named blues scale, and it also has a particular chord progression that make blues different than the other music. Usually, blues music consists of 12 measures in one song.

There is no exact date for the first appearance of the blues due to the discrimination towards African Americans in US society in all aspects of life. This is why many early blues music and musicians are poorly recorded. However, one of the earliest blues recording entitled The Memphis Blues by W.C. Handy in 1912 and Dallas Blues composed by Hard Wand in the same year. After the emergence, gradually, blues become well known throughout the United States, and even to the world. Of course, many artists and musicians contribute to the fame of the blues genre nowadays. One of the earliest influential legends is Robert Johnson. Even some of the people argue that he is one of the best blues artists of all time. Try to listen to I Believe I’ll Dust My Broom and Sweet Home Chicago to witness this noteworthy early artist. However, my personal best blues musician falls to B.B King. The name really depicts who he is, the King of the Blues! Try to listen to Thrill is Gone and Three O’clock Blues to hear the great guitar melody and improvisation of B.B King and Never Make a Move Too Soon to feel the richness of blues music. Last but not least, listen to Muddy Waters as he is one of the prominent musicians of blues in the post-war era. Listen to his deep masculine voice in his Manish Boy and I Can’t Be Satisfied. Also, witness his spectacular guitar improvisation in Feel Like Goin’ Home.
Tag: blues music, black music, BB King, United States

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