Artist: Apparat Album: Walls
Year: 2007Duration: 59:43
Walls by Apparat: A
Apparat is a respected and renowned electronic musician. In 2019, he released his seventh studio album, Walls. It was highly anticipated due to his previous critically acclaimed releases. Walls presents a unique blend of electronic elements, and it's mostly ominous instrumental music, with a few selected guest features. This post aims to provide a of Apparat's Walls by discussing the album's history, genre, best tracks, innovative parts, and significant criticisms.
The electronic music genre has always been Apparat's forte, creating his signature sound by adding instrumental layers and a multi-layered approach. Walls embodies these techniques to the fullest. The album's soundscape is a blend of ambient music, post-rock, and glitchy electronica, making it an excellent addition to Apparat's experimental discography. Many genres and moods bloom from one track to the next, taking the listener on a journey through all the emotions.
The most memorable tracks on the Walls album are Heroist, Outlier, and Brandenburg. The electro-pop anthem, Heroist, is a song people can connect with, making it one of the album's standout tracks. Outlier has a different tone than the other tracks, but it showcases Apparat's ingenuity in creating a range of emotions, from melancholy to suspenseful. Brandenburg, featuring vocalist Soap&Skin, is a remarkable track of the album, combining Soap&Skin's hauntingly melancholic voice with the softer tones of Apparat's instrumental music.
The Walls album's innovative aspects can be found in Equation Out, In Gravitas, and Caronte. Equation Out is a perfect example of Apparat's production, layering vocal samples, and synthesizer noises, switching tones so smoothly. In Gravitas keeps a minimalistic sound, and that paired with a small glitchy beat maintains the mood and the listener's connection to the album. The track Caronte is a unique instrumental track made up of ethnic percussion and electronic elements, an unexpected turn in the album that works perfectly.
Although the album is critically acclaimed, it has its criticisms regarding its guest vocals and length. Compared to Apparat's previous albums, Walls has more tracks with vocals, which does not suit all the album's moods. And the length of the album can be daunting, each track is meaningful and essential, but some listeners may find that time commitment daunting.
Apparat's seventh studio album, Walls, is a testament to the artist's skill in electronic music. Walls takes the listener on a journey through a range of sounds and moods and showcases Apparat's ability to create music that impacts the listener. The has discussed the album's genre, history, the best three songs, innovative aspects, and criticisms. Still, the album achieves its goals and meets Apparat's expectations of producing a production that is worth taking the time to experience. The album is an excellent addition to any electronic music listener's collection.
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